15+ Explore the Power of Faith with Christian Inspirational Poems


Poem 1

My Faith Is Ever-present, Lifting Me Up In Its Grace
A Christian Inspirational Poem Brings Comfort To A Lonely Place
It Fills My Heart With Hope And Sets My Spirit Free
As I Remember God's Love And What It Means To Me

It Speaks Of Courage And Rightness, Teaching Us To Strive
To Carry Forward Truth Despite The Chaos Of Life
The Poem Shines A Light On Our Purpose Here Below
A Reminder That God's Love Will Never Let Us Go.

Poem 2

His Love Enfolds Me And Brings Peace To My Soul,
When Overwhelmed By Life's Trials And Tolls; 
Through His Strength I Can Stand And Be Tall,
To My Lord I Watchfully Hear The Heavenly Call. 

My Faith Grows With Each Scripture I Read,
Keeping God's Wisdom And Promises In My Head; 
The Written Words Of The Bible Soothe Me So Well,
Teaching That Faith Is The Key To Heaven's Doorstep You'll Dwell. 

He Will Deliver Me From Fear And Worry Alike,
My Heart Filled With Joy After Faith I Ignite; 
Oh How Sweet It Is Put Christian Inspirational Poems To Test, 
For Regardless I Know

Poem 3

I Welcome Christ Into My Life
Seeing His Love Shining Bright,
His Teachings Guiding The Way
Living Out Each Day With Faith.  

An Inspirational Call To Fellowship, 
Helping Each Other In Times Of Strife.   
Bringing Praises For All To Hear 
In His Sanctuary We Come Near. 

Bowing Our Heads In Humble Prayer 
Forgiveness Is Welcomed There. 
Declaring God's Word From The Scriptures 
May We Serve Him Through Our Actions.

Poem 4

Tis Of Grace Divine That Our Lord So Gentle 
Didst Choose To Guide Us And Offer His Testament 
Though Trials May Come, His Word Is Exceptionally Able 
To Inspire Our Resolve, Redeeming The Sad And Lament. 
His Love Overflowing Within Our Hearts Profound 
Lifts Us From Despair, Brings Hope We Thought Could Not Be Found. 
A Comfort Calming Like A Quiet Evening Sound  
Assures Our Hearts That Of Truth He Can Be Found. 
Thanks Be To God For Sending Us This Special Grace  
Which Empowers Us In Spirit, Whole And Without Disgraced!

Poem 5

Let The Lord Show You His Way
His Love Will Shine Bright Each Day
Hold Fast To His Word And Truth
Push Ahead With A Faith That's Strong And New 
Let Go Of Worries, Sins And Strife
Treasure His Promises When Life's A Longnight 
He Brings Hope, Joy And Peace In Every Trial
We Will Rise Victorious By Trusting In Him All The While.

Poem 6

My Faith Is Like A Beacon Of Respite,
Christian Inspirational Poems Bring Light;
In Times Of Distress They Can Ignite 
A Flame Within My Heart At Night.
On Days When I Feel Lost And Confused, 
These Poems Redirect Me To The Lord’s Views;
They Help Me Restore Faith In What I Choose,
Shielding Me From Darkness Ever Imminent. 
The Power These Words Have Are Truly Grand,
Beaconing Hope In An Otherwise Empty Land; 
I Take Solace In Knowing Peace Will Expand, 
For Christian Inspirational Poems Make All Things Planned.

Poem 7

I've Stumbled Through Trials And Tribulations,  
My Faith Has Been Tested Like A Ration.  
But Christ Is My Savior And Strength,  
His Love Conquers Fear’s Length. 

Christian Inspirational Poems, Divine Words Of Grace,  
Remind Me Each Day To Seek His Sweet Face.  
Never-ending Hope In Times Of Despair,  
Helps Me To Make Over My Life’s Square. 

If We Listen Closely, He'll Always Guide Us Plain.  
We Should Never Let Our Faith's Flame Be Slain.  
Faith Through Grace And Love Will Last Forever, 
His Mighty Arm Holds Us All Together!

Poem 8

I'm Here To Tell You, Don't Live In Fear,
For In God's Love There Is Nothing To Fear.
From Him Will Come Strength For Today And Tomorrow,
His Word And Love Gives Us Hope Once More To Borrow.

Never Give Up, For Our Lord Jesus Holds The Key,
To Open The Door That Sets Us Free.
Prayers He Hears From A Heart And Soul Filled With Faith, 
To Guide Us On Our Journey Forward Evermore With Grace. 
In Christ We Can Find Rest And Assurance Divine, 
His Wisdom Brings Hope Through Eternity's Time.

Poem 9

I've Stumbled Through Trials And Tribulations,  
My Faith Has Been Tested Like A Ration.  
But Christ Is My Savior And Strength,  
His Love Conquers Fear’s Length. 

Christian Inspirational Poems, Divine Words Of Grace,  
Remind Me Each Day To Seek His Sweet Face.  
Never-ending Hope In Times Of Despair,  
Helps Me To Make Over My Life’s Square. 

If We Listen Closely, He'll Always Guide Us Plain.  
We Should Never Let Our Faith's Flame Be Slain.  
Faith Through Grace And Love Will Last Forever, 
His Mighty Arm Holds Us All Together!

Poem 10

Let Us Be Inspired By God's Grace, 
And Humbly Seek His Sweet Embrace;
Seek Can Find That New Refreshing Peace, 
That Fills Our Hearts And Brings Release. 
For When We Draw Ever Closer To Him, 
He Can Restore And Begin Anew;
The Power Of The Lord To Save And Transom, 
Can Help Uplift, Guide And Renew.

Poem 11

Christ, Our Lord, A Friend And Guide,
His Wisdom Here And Near Our Side,
Accept This Truth We Seek In Him:
To Find Our Joy And To Be Glad. 
Within His Words So Wise And True 
He Leads Us Gentle By And Through- 
A Source Of Peace For Souls To Win 
In Christian Inspirational Poems.

Poem 12

God, You Are My Constant Guide. 
Your Grace Is Ever Present Near. 
Through Troubles Filled Or Joys Sublime, 
Your Love Abides Throughout Each Year.

The Spirit Speaks Within My Heart, 
Comforts Me Through Sorrow And Pain. 
You're With Me In Good Times And Bad, 
Strength Of Joy When I Remain.

Stand Firm In Faith And Never Fear; 								  
Lovingly Trusting In The Lord. 
Once Again The Hope I Have In You: 		     	   
This Faith Won't Break No Matter The Cord.

Poem 13

Smiling Faces Full Of Joy And Peace
Around Us, No Signs Of Woe
Graceful Words To Lead Our Way
Christ Is Here, Beloved Never-ending Love To Stay 
Eyes Agleam, Empowered By The Spirit’s Song 
Peaceful Offerings To Right All The Rifts So Wrong  
Rejoice In Hope And Generosity Abound 
Encircling Arms, Christian Inspirational Poems Surround.

Poem 14

God, You Are My Constant Guide. 
Your Grace Is Ever Present Near. 
Through Troubles Filled Or Joys Sublime, 
Your Love Abides Throughout Each Year.

The Spirit Speaks Within My Heart, 
Comforts Me Through Sorrow And Pain. 
You're With Me In Good Times And Bad, 
Strength Of Joy When I Remain.

Stand Firm In Faith And Never Fear; 								  
Lovingly Trusting In The Lord. 
Once Again The Hope I Have In You: 		     	   
This Faith Won't Break No Matter The Cord.

Poem 16

A Blessing Comes With Faith And Love,
Remind Us Of God’s Grace We’re Blessed Of.
No Matter The Time, No Matter The Cost,
Be Inspired To Keep Pushing On And Not Give Up. 

Nothing Will Make You Feel So Alive,
When Confiding In God’s Word Sure Alleviates Strife.
With Encouragement Through Prayer And Songs, 
Faith Will Shine Brighter Than The Brightest Of Days. 

Follow The Lord’s Path With Devotion And Peace,
Living Life To Its Fullest Without Any Cease!


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